Monday, October 26, 2009

HW#13- Feed part B

"Art is not a mirror with which to reflect the world. It is a hammer with which to shape it" Bert Brecht

In Feed by M.T. Anderson, the story reflected a lot on how teenagers are today, like how they just care about being entertained and ourselves, don't like feeling empty, and don't care about the environment. So I would say that this book is a mirror because its like a mirror to our world, aside from the change in time period and the new accessories they're the same, we all want the new thing, the new style. The feed is like the TV or internet, filling us up with more junk each day.

At the same time though i would say it was a hammer as well because in the book, M.T. Anderson would give hints of what is to come, whether its in the book or in real life. He gave hints of violets malfunctioning and in the real world he's hinting on how it'll become if we continue being the way we are, in the book there were no birds, no more trees, and in real life animals are becoming extinct, we're losing trees by using up a lot of materials that are made of paper.

I think a mirror can be a hammer, because some people after finding out about the real world take action, like animal testing, so in a way a mirror can become a hammer if it influences people to change who they are and how the world is.

Monday, October 19, 2009

HW#12 - Feed A

I think feed is right on target how a modern teenager lives. In the book feeds are what is most important, maybe in our world its not as important as the feed is in the book, but it is similar to the technology we use, like computers, TVs, and especially cell phones. In the book the teenagers are always talking to each other through the feed, like how we use cell phones to communicate all the time.

Also when they were stuck in the hospital feed-less, they were all bored out of their minds and miserable at first, kind of like when we're on punishment and aren't allow to use the computer, cell or watch tv or when none of those things are working, we're bored because there is nothing to do so we just mope and sulk in our little corner or bed. Then when we go out to hang with people we have a blast, like how the group in feed did when they played together without the feed.

Also in the book, people don't really care about the environment, there are no birds, no more trees, instead they have buildings that supply air. This is like our society, we pollute the air, chop down more trees everyday making more animals homeless, killing them. Thanks to us, global warming is happening, yet we're not doing much. Even though we're trying to make the earth a better place, like them, we're not, and i wouldnt be surprised if some day we dont have any animals around either.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Experiment # 1

For my experiment i spend a few days with out my sidekick and my computer since i didn't have internet, and couldn't get on AIM. I was bored, as expected since I'm usually on my computer reading manga, fanfiction, or watching videos, but since i couldn't do neither i spent my days after school, reading my independent reading book, Feed, and taking naps, and doing my homework. I was so annoyed because i used my sidekick and computer to communicate with my friends, since i dont hang out much after school, only on weekends or friday, when theres no school the next day.
Then the next few days my computer was working and then my phone, and i right away i went on my computer to amuse myself. I realized that even i am realllyyy addicted to the computer and cell, even though i dont go on much, and i dont even use my phone unless its to play sudoku once in a while, and it made me think of all the people i know that are even more addicted to their cells or their computer than me, and it sounds awful to me, if i think my habits are too much, then what about those other people who are even more obsessed.
I thought back to how i spent my days when i didnt have my internet, and i noticed how even though i didnt have any of those things to amuse me, i still stayed inside my apartment, and now that i look back to it, i regret it, i should've went outside even though there was no one to hang out with, i could've sat outside on the steps and maybe read my books outside, or draw in my sketch book.

response to video comment

Victor - thank you the comment, I'm very thankful. You're right on how i myself seem to doubt my addictions, though i never meant to make it seem i would force my child on something, I'm just merely expressing my feelings. i agree that out door activities and indoor ones might have the same results, like weight loss or something, but i still feel that getting some fresh air would still be better for you. Though i do agree that forcing your kid is bad, though maybe there are expectations in life.

Granit - thanks for the comment, yah the whole TV and computer thing on the same time happens a lot, since i like watching music videos and do my work, or read manga. I agree with you on how kids sit down while doing Wii fit, my godson was doing the running exercise one where you had to either have it in your hand or pocket and run in place, and he was just shaking the Wii remote while sitting down, and i just thought that, that was one of the weirdest/stupidest thing i've seen, but it made me realize even more how we shouldn't depend on video games for keeping in shape, because there is always a to cheat and just do all the thing while sitting or laying down, and that doesn't really help with keeping in shape. Im glad I'm not the only one who thinks outdoor activities are better then indoor activities.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

comments of partners videos

Granit - I agree with you on how i wouldn't want my child to spend all his time on the computer. Though that does make us hypocrites, since we always ignore our parents/adults when they tell us to get off out computers or cells. Something you can add more about is the first paragraph, like maybe your opinions on how you use (or maybe need?) cell, computer, tv for entertainment and passing time.

until next time - maxiel

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Video project

As i think about the amount of hours im on the computer while having my tv on at the same time for double amusement, and i think about how my parents dont like how much im on the computer so much, which makes me picture myself in the future when i have kids, and i would probably feel the same as how my parents feel now, i wouldnt want my child to use up their time on the internet when they can be outside getting fresh air, and doing more healthy things.

Though there are gaming systems that claim to help people become more healthy, like the wii fit, i think its OK, like it might be good to do when its raining outside and you cant do outside activities, but i feel it would be better to do those activities outside or in a gym, and not using the tv for help, because doing exercise would feel better doing it outside in the breeze, and its more healthy, then being cooped up inside.