Monday, October 12, 2009

Experiment # 1

For my experiment i spend a few days with out my sidekick and my computer since i didn't have internet, and couldn't get on AIM. I was bored, as expected since I'm usually on my computer reading manga, fanfiction, or watching videos, but since i couldn't do neither i spent my days after school, reading my independent reading book, Feed, and taking naps, and doing my homework. I was so annoyed because i used my sidekick and computer to communicate with my friends, since i dont hang out much after school, only on weekends or friday, when theres no school the next day.
Then the next few days my computer was working and then my phone, and i right away i went on my computer to amuse myself. I realized that even i am realllyyy addicted to the computer and cell, even though i dont go on much, and i dont even use my phone unless its to play sudoku once in a while, and it made me think of all the people i know that are even more addicted to their cells or their computer than me, and it sounds awful to me, if i think my habits are too much, then what about those other people who are even more obsessed.
I thought back to how i spent my days when i didnt have my internet, and i noticed how even though i didnt have any of those things to amuse me, i still stayed inside my apartment, and now that i look back to it, i regret it, i should've went outside even though there was no one to hang out with, i could've sat outside on the steps and maybe read my books outside, or draw in my sketch book.

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