Thursday, October 1, 2009

Video project

As i think about the amount of hours im on the computer while having my tv on at the same time for double amusement, and i think about how my parents dont like how much im on the computer so much, which makes me picture myself in the future when i have kids, and i would probably feel the same as how my parents feel now, i wouldnt want my child to use up their time on the internet when they can be outside getting fresh air, and doing more healthy things.

Though there are gaming systems that claim to help people become more healthy, like the wii fit, i think its OK, like it might be good to do when its raining outside and you cant do outside activities, but i feel it would be better to do those activities outside or in a gym, and not using the tv for help, because doing exercise would feel better doing it outside in the breeze, and its more healthy, then being cooped up inside.


  1. That was a very entertaining video.

    I found your first paragraph to be quite interesting. It almost seems as if even you doubt your own habits, and plan to attempt to enforce changes on your children in the future, but you personally however, does not try to do something about your own habits.

    Honestly, I don't think they would be better off outside doing physical activities if they don't want to. And if your forcing them to go against their own will, then its even more unhealthy then just sitting in a dimly lit room staring at a screen. Thats just my opinion, though.

    I look forward to reading your next homework assignment.

  2. This was a good video.

    your first paragraph was good. i liked how you use your t.v and computer at the same time but you know that your parents don't like it, and the fact that you wouldn't want your kids to waste there time on the computer but instead you would like them to be more active.

    In your second paragraph i agree with you that the the wii fit is still not as good as going outside and to the gym because most kids sit down.

    I look for to reading your other assignments

  3. Victor - thank you the comment, I'm very thankful. You're right on how i myself seem to doubt my addictions, though i never meant to make it seem i would force my child on something, I'm just merely expressing my feelings. i agree that out door activities and indoor ones might have the same results, like weight loss or something, but i still feel that getting some fresh air would still be better for you. Though i do agree that forcing your kid is bad, though maybe there are expectations in life.

  4. Granit - thanks for the comment, yah the whole TV and computer thing on the same time happens a lot, since i like watching music videos and do my work, or read manga. I agree with you on how kids sit down while doing Wii fit, my godson was doing the running exercise one where you had to either have it in your hand or pocket and run in place, and he was just shaking the Wii remote while sitting down, and i just thought that, that was one of the weirdest/stupidest thing i've seen, but it made me realize even more how we shouldn't depend on video games for keeping in shape, because there is always a to cheat and just do all the thing while sitting or laying down, and that doesn't really help with keeping in shape.
    Im glad I'm not the only one who thinks outdoor activities are better then indoor activities.
