Monday, December 21, 2009

HW#30 theorizing of cool

Being cool is another way to just make ourselves seem more important in the world, to fill the emptiness we feel inside. The emptiness we feel is believe to come from the fact that we're going to die, and because we're going to die, we want to leave an impression to the world, we want to be remembered, missed, and valued. Which is weird because usually when people think of how we're going to die, they think then what's the point of doing anything, yet we're taking on a bunch of roles to make people look at us and like us. Like how the class joker does all that they can to make people laugh, and pay attention to him, and when no one laughs they feel embarrassed and sad because no one acknowledged them.

We use many roles in our life, and those roles just mess with how we use to be, coolness trick us into being different, we lose our moral sense (andy), like how people are so rude to other by teasing them, and messing with them, just to seem cool to people, the coolness is just brainwashing even more then what we were at the beginning. People use up their money to buy more things that are in style or that they think will make them look cool, and fit in with everyone else, which is does, but just because we're all using each other to make our life meaningful.
We also use sex to fill up the emptiness, because that means the person is attractive, and being attractive and knowing how to do "things" is part of being cool. Then these things lead to pregnancy, which is another thing we do to feel our live, that most of us wants to do, because having a miniature you is cool apparently, and people everyones doing.

I think the only way to even remotely be near filling up that hole, is just to accept the fact you're going to die, and that you're just like everyone else, nothing special nothing new. Like in Tuesdays with Morrie, he was upset at first, but then he just accepted it, and seem to be at peace. If we can learn to just accept the truth, than i feel we wouldn't be as brainwashed as we are now. But accepting the truth is harder than living in a lie, it seems.

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