Monday, December 7, 2009

hw#26/27 surveys

Photobucket<~ alex

Alexandra Moy, 17 years old - friend

Whats your definition of being cool?
like being well like by ALOT of people, you know, like fitting in well

Are you well liked?
well by my friends, i mean I'm cool with some other people but not that close and not with like the whole

Do you consider yourself cool?
um well i dont think im like the coolest person ever, but im not the lamest person either, im probably like in between ya know?

Why do you dye your hair so many times?
Well because i like having different styles, and you know originally i want to have cotton blue and pink hair, and i finally have it, after having it orangey for a while.

You know who you looked like when you had that orangey hair, That girl from Paramore, the lead singer.
eh, well i guess i can see why but i wasnt thinking of her when i did it, i just wanted something new you know? my old hair was blahh

you know what i mean :laugh: like oldish!

From where/who is your style inspired from?
Well my friends i guess, and i like the mismatch style you usually see asians rock

And you're partially asian

And where do your friends get their styles from?
celebrities i guess, from the media, and other people

Sara Dhiri, 17 years old - stranger

So, whats your definition of being cool?
Fitting in

Do you think you're cool?

I dont feel like I'm cool

Who DO you think is cool?
Chin, a friend from school

what makes her cool?
She's always so bubbly and friendly to everyone, and i think thats awesome

Selemny, 16 years old - cousin

What's your definition of being cool?
being liked by everyone but also have some haters, and having a bunch of friends, and having a crazy personality

Why crazy personality?
because then that means they're fun to be around with and to party with

So if i throw this chair right at you...I'd be cool?
what the hell :laugh: no stupid! i mean crazy by like wildish you know, like those people from those reality tv on MTV like real world, to not be afraid of being loud and wild

I've seen those people throw tables, even worse
oh my god :laugh: shut up

Ok anyways do you think you're cool yourself?
Well i think i am, i mean alot of people like me, and boys are always crushing on me, and i have alot of friends and people ARE jealous of me

I never knew i had such a conceited cousin, does this make you cool too?
well being conceited is good too, it shows you dont care about what other people think, but at the same time too much isnt cute, and just blame sluttish

Sluttish? how?
like when someones too conceited you usually see that person all up on someone, and date so many people and sex them up just to brag, ya know?

I guess...

So whats cool now
well i notice ALOT of people, girls mostly are turning Bi, i really dont understand why, or when it started, but like its so weird

why is it weird?
because back then the only bi people i knew were my friend and you, and your friend Alex. Like back then people wouldnt dare admit outloud that they were bi, because people would look at then weirdly, and their parents would be so like upset about it, and now everybodies all open about it, its just so random.

ya i know, do you think thats cool?
I think its ok for people to be gay, bi, straight, but to make it a trend its just wrong, i feel its wrong to the real gay, bisexual people, dont you?

ya i guess but it'll pass right?
yah things always pass and go, people will get over that phase :laugh:

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