Monday, February 22, 2010

HW# 41

In this blog, the women is ranting on how, back than home economics was more was becoming a servant to your husband, doing the cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, and how to set the table neatly. But she states how what she best is, is at saving money, and making sure its not all spent, and how she had a hard time learning this skill, since it was never taught it to them in school.

It mentions how students are required to do home economics, because the government is trying to get them to be more aware of the importance of family life, the responsibility, the roles, and the cooperation, since family is important to them. Which reminds me of last school year, how most people put family first or second on making our life more meaningful, yet even though we say family is important to us and how most of us plan on having a family of our own when we get older, most new york city school don't have home economics, not even as a after-school activity. The last time i did any like home economics was elementary school, where i did cooking after-school, and in tenth grade, when we took care of a plant as if it was our "baby" though it was more of learning about plants than actually learning how to take care of a family/kid.

HW# 40

Part A

What do you think about school?

Alex - "its ok, i dont really like having to deal with all the work though, some is fun but most of it is so boring, plus i like seeing my friends, and boyfriend"

mom - "its important, it teaches you what you need to learn for the future to get a good job, i dont understand why you kids skip school"

Naomi - "It's stupid, and so annoying, you go there to learn a bunch of bullshit, things im never going to use in my life, I'm glad i left"

Oscar (8 yrs old) - "I think school should die! i like the other kids, but i cant play mario because of all the work"

Me - "its tiring, with all the work and then more work at home, and getting up early, but i do enjoy it sometimes, when i get to talk with my friends"

What would you change about school?

Alex - "i'd change the time we go to school in, its so tiring get up so early, also i'd make it so we dont get hw, because I'm already tired from going to CAT, than i gotta do my homework too"

mom - "i dont know, nothing? the schools seem to be doing fine"

Naomi - "I'd make it so there would be no school, but if there had to be i'd make it so it was more interesting, by making them teach interesting topics, instead of all that boring stuff"

oscar - "no homework! and longer lunch! and no work, just playing!!"

me - "i'd change the time school starts, also add in nap time, and make them teach things that i'll actually be able to use in life, like cooking, sewing, and other things, beside the things i know i wont remember when i get older, especially since i dont remember it now"

Part B

based on the interview, it seems that most people only like school because they get to socialize with the people they like to be, and how there are very little interest in the things we are taught. Like my mom was going on about how we need to stick with school to learn, because it'll help us survive when we're older, yet its not like probabilities will help me much when im older, i dont even remember it right now, and most of what we learn dont interest us, yet we still go to school even though we state its not worth it. We'd rather do over things that don't even help us with the future either, even less than school. Also alot of us say we'd change the time we start school, which shows how getting up early for school is not worth it, because having to get up early to do schoolwork is so tiring, yet we dont do anything about it, though some of us do skip.

Monday, February 8, 2010


three interestings about school i've experienced:
1)Why dont we have naptime and recess, when adults complain how unfocus we are, and how kids are becoming more overweight?
2)Why do we have to do homework? why cant we just do it in class like everything else?
3)Why do teachers care that we skip school

1)I think teachers get mad at students for skipping, because they think it's a waste of time to go teach if nobody wants to show up.
2)I think school is both a good and bad thing, like we its good for us, but also affects us negatively as well.
3)I think the only reason we dont get naptime anymore is because adults want us to be able to go through things, regardless of being tired, because when we're older, we're not going to be able to just take a nap while we work, so i guess they think they're helping us.

1)having to take the math and english regents in 10th grade, when from what people told me, we arent suppose to.
2)having to get up early in the morning, getting ready to for school, even though im exhausted.
3)having to do homework, when we could just do it at school

When i wake up early in the morning, im so tired and so energy-less, and even though i dont want to, i go to school. Once i get home i just want to get some rest, lay down and sleep till next week, but i cant because i have to do my homework/projects, and that take me a while since im too tired to concenrate, and there are things around that distract me alot. Usually i end up falling asleep while doing my homework, and i wake up like around dinner time, and it take me a while to finish, and when i do finish its like 9-10 since i liked eatting my food cold, and i have to stay up later since i didnt finish my homework yet, and when i do go to bed, i cant sleep because my mind is still running, so i stay up even later, and i usually wake up at 6:30am, so im yet again tired in the morning, and the whole process repeats itself.
If we didnt get homework, us students would probably sleep better, and we can be more relaxed. Homework should be something we do during classes, [changing it to classwork], so that way we dont have to sweat over it at home, and if we dont get it, we can just ask the teacher since they're right there, instead of doing the work wrong, which doesnt help us, and instead of emailing, cause sometimes they dont reply, and this way our grades wont drop just b/c we're not doing HW. So why cant we just not have any HW, and just do it during class?