Monday, February 22, 2010

HW# 41

In this blog, the women is ranting on how, back than home economics was more was becoming a servant to your husband, doing the cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, and how to set the table neatly. But she states how what she best is, is at saving money, and making sure its not all spent, and how she had a hard time learning this skill, since it was never taught it to them in school.

It mentions how students are required to do home economics, because the government is trying to get them to be more aware of the importance of family life, the responsibility, the roles, and the cooperation, since family is important to them. Which reminds me of last school year, how most people put family first or second on making our life more meaningful, yet even though we say family is important to us and how most of us plan on having a family of our own when we get older, most new york city school don't have home economics, not even as a after-school activity. The last time i did any like home economics was elementary school, where i did cooking after-school, and in tenth grade, when we took care of a plant as if it was our "baby" though it was more of learning about plants than actually learning how to take care of a family/kid.

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