Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Students nowadays are just not as interested in school as they use to be/should be, the school just teaches us what they, the adults, think is important for us to learn, which is to grow up smart, and get into a good college/school, and get a good paying job. Yet students are always complaining about how they're never going to use what the teachers are teaching in their life, so why don't schools start teaching things that we're going to need to know, thats important to know?

In other countries, like japan for example, they teach students home economics, here in NYC, not many school (nor any that i know) teach home economics, yet use teenagers always rant on how we cant wait until we move out of our parents place, and be free and independent, but when that comes, we need to know how to cook, clean, iron our clothes, because we probably wont have the money to keep sending it off to the cleaners since we're going to be new at the whole independent thing. Some students need that, sure we might know the basics, like scrambling and boiling eggs, and we need more than eggs, and cereal to survive without wasting our money away at some restaurant or store. Home economics, also helps with finances, which would be very helpful, because most teens don't really know where to go to get the best price, and if we did, they'd be able to save more money, for like bills, and rent.

Schools should be more like college kind of, where we get to pick the classes you want, because not all of us want to work in a job that has to do with biology, or chemistry. It'd probably more interesting that way, because we students get to choice for ourselves, and thats what we always want, to make the choices in our life. We dont want to just do whatever people tell us to do, we want to do things that interest us, and what sucks in learning about something we actually are interested in and maybe want to pursuit as a career.

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