Monday, March 8, 2010



Liberal arts education is useful for some i guess, but it seems kinda of like everyday normal high school classes, learning a bunch of different stuff, so this seems like for a person who actually enjoys learning more then one thing, like shakespeare, biology, and art, just like being back in high school just when shorter time. But it seems ideal for someone who doesnt like change of paste, or just doesnt know what to pick to learn.
I guess i can understand how some people would be kind of upset or offended with how underestimated liberal arts can be, since it doesnt seem like a course that'll get you a good job in the future, though learning more then one thing does seem more useful than just focusing on learning one specific thing, because just incase you cant get a job based on what you learned, you could always get another.


Its people like these that throw into peoples head, that if you go to school, then you'll be successful. This speech didnt really seem that special, its was just another "celebrity" life story, and how people should try their best for a better tomorrow, to fill our life with hope, but its really no different then the stories you hear your parents tell you about how, "oh i never got to graduate high school [because of so and so reason] and because of that look where im working". Though some might actually be inspired by this speech, the majority probably would be like "oh wow, thats a really good speech" and then forget about it the next day and continue now to their normal day.
Not the people shouldnt try to inspire other, but at this point all the speeches are kind of same, i think to actually be able to change your views, you have to witness the type of life you dont want, whether your experiencing it, or not. Though i cant disagree with the president when he mention how you might not even know what you like until you experience it, which goes against my idea of just focusing on one type of lesson, i guess thats why we get different types of lessons in school before we get to college, so we can know what we like. Though sometimes the things you might be good at or interested arent taught at high school.

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