Monday, February 22, 2010

HW# 40

Part A

What do you think about school?

Alex - "its ok, i dont really like having to deal with all the work though, some is fun but most of it is so boring, plus i like seeing my friends, and boyfriend"

mom - "its important, it teaches you what you need to learn for the future to get a good job, i dont understand why you kids skip school"

Naomi - "It's stupid, and so annoying, you go there to learn a bunch of bullshit, things im never going to use in my life, I'm glad i left"

Oscar (8 yrs old) - "I think school should die! i like the other kids, but i cant play mario because of all the work"

Me - "its tiring, with all the work and then more work at home, and getting up early, but i do enjoy it sometimes, when i get to talk with my friends"

What would you change about school?

Alex - "i'd change the time we go to school in, its so tiring get up so early, also i'd make it so we dont get hw, because I'm already tired from going to CAT, than i gotta do my homework too"

mom - "i dont know, nothing? the schools seem to be doing fine"

Naomi - "I'd make it so there would be no school, but if there had to be i'd make it so it was more interesting, by making them teach interesting topics, instead of all that boring stuff"

oscar - "no homework! and longer lunch! and no work, just playing!!"

me - "i'd change the time school starts, also add in nap time, and make them teach things that i'll actually be able to use in life, like cooking, sewing, and other things, beside the things i know i wont remember when i get older, especially since i dont remember it now"

Part B

based on the interview, it seems that most people only like school because they get to socialize with the people they like to be, and how there are very little interest in the things we are taught. Like my mom was going on about how we need to stick with school to learn, because it'll help us survive when we're older, yet its not like probabilities will help me much when im older, i dont even remember it right now, and most of what we learn dont interest us, yet we still go to school even though we state its not worth it. We'd rather do over things that don't even help us with the future either, even less than school. Also alot of us say we'd change the time we start school, which shows how getting up early for school is not worth it, because having to get up early to do schoolwork is so tiring, yet we dont do anything about it, though some of us do skip.

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