Wednesday, September 30, 2009

informal research internet

22% of young children own cell phones (age 6-9), 60% of tweens (age 10-14), 84% of teens (15-18). Shows that as you get older, you get more into technology. Also according to a market research firm, the Yankee Group, 54% of 8 to 12 years old will have cell phones within the next three years. So they're saying that if we continue being so obsessed/addicted to technology, that it'll start affecting the younger generation more, and the percentage of young child owning cells will increase.

If teachers overuse computer instead of other ways of teaching, it can actually harm the students. I find this interesting because we always use computers to do our homework and projects, and to do research, and instead of it helping us, its actually harming us.

2/3 infants an toddlers and kids under 6 years old watch a tv 2 hours a day, kids form ages 8-18 spend nearly 4 hours watching tv, plus 2 more hours on the computer doing non-school work, and playing video games. The recommended amount for kids is, 0 hours for any kids under 2 since the first 2 years of life is considered a critical time for brain development, and no more then 1-2 hours for kids older then 2. Which makes me think of my cousins baby who is 5 months old, and how my cousin uses the tv as a way for the baby to get distracted, and i wonder just how different the baby would be if he grew without tv his two first year, vs watching tv like he is now. Also how kids that spend 4 hours per day watching tv are more likely to be over weight, which i agree with, because they are most likely spending those 4 hours doing thing not related to school, and then you add the time they spend on their school work, and at the they'd be going to sleep, having not gotten the recommended amount of exercise they need.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Parent/stranger/friend interview

How many hours do you spend using the internet, watching tv and on your cell for?

-mom: "4 and 1/2 hours watching tv, and like 5 minutes on my cell, i dont use it much"

-Joselin: "30min on tv, not often on my cell, like an hour through out the whole day"

-Eric: "3 hours on my cell, and i use that to go on myspace also, and 3 hours watching tv"

-My friend Alex: "i spend like half an hour on the computer in the morning, 3 hours when i get home, i watch tv for like 3-4 hours, and im like 7 hours on my cell"

Do you stay up late doing any of those things? how long?

-mom: "like up to 11:30pm or 12pm"

-Joselin: "i go to bed early for work"

-Eric: "i dont stay up watching tv or on my cell, i go to bed early, got work to do the next day"

-My friend alex: "i stay up till 10pm on the computer doing some of my homework and then i just do that rest in the morning"

Do you get enough sleep?

-mom: "i think so"

-Joselin: "yes"

-Eric: "yah"

-My friend alex: "meh, kind of? i get more sleep then some of my friends"

How many hours do you think kids should be on the internet? what about adults?

-mom: "no more then 2 hours for both adults and kids"

-Joselin: "not too much, like 2 or 3 hours for kids, and adults maybe 3-4 hours"

-Eric: "1 hour per day if its just for fun, but if its for work, or homework then as much hours a person needs to finish"

-my friend alex: "kids probably like 3 hours or something, though more if its like homework, adults like 4 hours, depends on if they work on the computer like my mom"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Blog Comments

Yurelis - I agree with you on how people are becoming too depended on technology, and that sometimes technology is good, by connecting with family and friends, and it made me realize how i dont even use facebook/myspace alot, i just have it because it was something everybody was talking about and telling me to get, maybe you can talk about how people pressure other people into getting things. I also liked how you asked questions on what you wanted to know more of, it makes the blog more interesting.

looking forward to your future ideas, Maxiel Jimenez

Juliette - I like how you added the example of the VMAs, its a good example how people are addicted to technology, because its true everyone did make comments on it so quickly, which made people who didnt want the VMA like me curious to the point of going to youtube the next day to see a clip of it, which makes me realize how people are always being influenced by technology to get more addicted to it, maybe next time you can write more about the influence technology has on people.

cant wait for the next blog, Maxiel Jimenez

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

HW3 first blog - Digital/electronic media

As technology got better and faster, we became so much more depended on all these electronic things, like cells. People went from having a phone to just communicate with their friends and family, to having a phone for texting, watching videos/movies, and listening to music to use up most of their time on something that probably isn't worth it, when they can be doing more productive things. For example i week to Georgia this summer, and there was no computer, no TV, no gaming systems, just my cousin's car whenever he came over. At the end of my vacation i felt better than when i was here in new york surrounded by all these electronics. In georgia because there was nothing else to do I move around more, got more fresh air, went to bed early, and for up early instead of waking up in the afternoon/evening because i stayed up late, which always made me feel tired even though i had just woken up.
I think even though some of the electronics would be helpful for us, it best to use them as a last resort, or at a minimum. All these electronics are affecting us mentally, emotional, and some physically from not doing enough activities where you have to move around. Its gotten to the point where we wont socialize with people, but with our electronics.