Wednesday, September 16, 2009

HW3 first blog - Digital/electronic media

As technology got better and faster, we became so much more depended on all these electronic things, like cells. People went from having a phone to just communicate with their friends and family, to having a phone for texting, watching videos/movies, and listening to music to use up most of their time on something that probably isn't worth it, when they can be doing more productive things. For example i week to Georgia this summer, and there was no computer, no TV, no gaming systems, just my cousin's car whenever he came over. At the end of my vacation i felt better than when i was here in new york surrounded by all these electronics. In georgia because there was nothing else to do I move around more, got more fresh air, went to bed early, and for up early instead of waking up in the afternoon/evening because i stayed up late, which always made me feel tired even though i had just woken up.
I think even though some of the electronics would be helpful for us, it best to use them as a last resort, or at a minimum. All these electronics are affecting us mentally, emotional, and some physically from not doing enough activities where you have to move around. Its gotten to the point where we wont socialize with people, but with our electronics.


  1. I liked the way you connected your personal experience to what we are talking about in class. What i think the main idea of your blog post was that instead of caring so much about our electronics we should do other things that are more productive/better way to spend our time. I can connect to what you said because i think also that people are becoming very dependent on their electronic systems.This post makes me think that maybe i should use my electronics less and maybe pick a book or go outside for fresh air.You can expand on when you said they affect us mentally you could list some ways. overall you had good ideas and i look foward to seeing them grow

  2. Thank you for your comment, it made me happy that you were able to understand the main point of it, even though i was kind of like ranting. I agree with you on how i should've talk more on how technology affects people mentally, i just mentioned it a bit. I also am going to try to not use electronics as much as i do, and be more active, whether its just sitting on the step getting air drawing, or walking around with my friends, i don't like being so depend on technology, even though it can be useful or necessary sometimes. We both seem to want to change our time with technology, i wonder how we can stop using technology so often, when its all around us?
