Sunday, May 9, 2010


When taking the survey i felt really open like i was telling people face to face on how i really feel and how i really think, even though its an anonymous, which i find interesting, even when there is no one around we still cant handle letting the truth out because its one of the most hardest and uncomfortable thing to do, because it'll show the other personality we have when no one is around, the "real me" personality that most people dont really want to show off, since to ourselves its shameful, uncool and ugly. I noticed how contradicting my answers were one moment they'd be positive and then next negative even though the questions were slightly similar.

In the results i was kind of surprised to see how maybe people didnt do chores, because most people i know would complain whenever they have to do something for their parents yet most dont do chores. Also makes me wonder because parents always want their kids to be responsible when they get older yet the majority dont even do a half hour of chores. I was also surprised by the number of people who thought of suicide, because whenever we see other people in the halls they look fine to us, shows how well people have gotten with their masks. Also the majority of people not doing drugs or ever being drunk surprised me, since im always hearing about experiences others are having, but i guess like some said in class, not everybody took the test so i guess the answers are really accurate.

Similarities the surveys has with ours is the majority of teens are having sex, the difference though is the kids in the second survey had a higher drug percentage then others, but than again ours isnt really accurate.

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