Monday, May 17, 2010

HW#57 How should kids be parented

How should kids be parented?

My opinions of how to parent a kid comes mostly from my mom, movies, manga, and stories. I believe kids should be raised with love, care, and with more freedom than us teenagers but still limited so they don't do anything rash or crazy, and also be discipline but I'm still not sure if i would want a kid to learn from his mistakes through a beating, i think slapping the kid once when he does something really bad is reasonable, since i don't think time out is that strong of a discipline. Also when it comes to breast feeding vs bottle, i think i would breast feed the child the majority of the time and for like when we're out to use the bottle, since "experts believe breast milk is the best nutritional choice for infants"(kidshealth) and then i'd probably stop breasting feeding at at-least 12 months which is what the AAP (Academy of Pediatrics) encourages. Babies should probably treated like puppies i guess because i think they're still too young to be treated like an adult.

The best parts of how my mom raised me when i was little was she would always hold my hand, hug me, and give me a good night kiss on the cheek or forehead, I really liked that when i was little because it showed my mom loved me and i liked it when i was showered with affection. We also slept in the same bed and i think all of this is the reason why I'm such a mama's girl and don't like being apart from her for toooo long even though its necessary to grow up. My mom also raised my to be a polite girl which is probably why I'm somewhat polite even with my friends, thats probably why I'm also slightly paranoid with my actions/words than other people, since i don't like hurting peoples feeling, because i would feel really guilty.

I think when it comes to parenting, it doesn't really come that natural, maybe if you grew up surrounded with little kids and babies and having to babysit a lot, than i guess parenting would come more naturally to you than others that don't know how to deal with babies and little kids, they would probably be more awkward.

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