Sunday, January 24, 2010

HW#37 Final cool paper

Whats does being cool mean to you?

Most people would say that being cool is about fitting in, and being liked by nearly everybody, yet be envied, to be beautiful, stylish, and have a great personality, which varies with each person. People waste money to get expensive cool things, to make people like them more, because humans fear being alone. So coolness is a type of armor people wear to protect themselves from being uncool and the loneliness that comes from it.

From most of the people i asked about what being cool is like, they all said fitting in as the major thing about being cool, and some other traits, like tattoos, dying the hair, and looking good and having a nice personality, and a one or two said that being yourself is cool. When asked where they got this idea from, they mentioned things like magazines, TV, celebrities, and friends, which contradicts the part of being yourself because how can you be yourself when everything you do was taught to you, and influenced you. Like for example you were taught to act politely to people with power from your parents and teachers, and you were influenced by your friends and the media to act another way to be more cool, and fit in more, like getting a tattoo or piercing even though some parents dont like either of those things. So we can never really say we're being our true self when our true self is the result of all the teachings and influences you've gotten in your life.

To me being cool is someone who, again, fits in, someone who has a cool style, and has a nice, yet kind of bad assy personality, and is open to things. For example this story i wrote portrays what i consider is a cool person:
She had her choppy layered dyed a deep red hair pin up with some strands in her face, she had this bored yet patient expression on her face as she play with her piercings while she listen to her friend talk on and on.
"I just dont know what to do anymore, one minute hes all over me, and maddd sweet and the next hes around a bunch of other girls and acting like he never said those sweet words to me"
she sighs and looks her friend in the eye and speaks with a calm almost voice
"look dude, i really think you should just get over him, hes obviously just looking for some ass, so why dont you do yourself a favor and not be interested in him anymore" she puts her hand on her friends shoulder and grips it gently "you deserve better, so dont sweat over it"
her friend smiles, and seems to feel better
"you know, you're right, thanks you're the best" the friend hugs her, and says with a grin "you know if i was bi, i would totally fall for you
She grins back, winks and blow kisses
"who wouldnt" she says jokingly

In my story the character is one of those kind of "punkish" people, with those calm, almost emotion or apathetic voice, and the dyed hair and the piercings, and her personality was a calm one, almost non-caring, yet really sweet/nice, and silly too at times. My point of coolness kind of contradicts as well, because to be non-caring, you have to not care about anything at all, and we all care about being cool and fitting in, even if there arent many moments of those feelings, we still yearn for some companionship, its in our nature. Also the emotionless part, i think i got that from all those movies and stories where the main character is so emotionless, that it just becomes a part of the cool package, and also i guess because to be cool is to be strong and or to have power, and back then the people with power/strength were always emotionless because they couldn't let others know how much effect something has over them, because then that'll become a weakness, and when you're weak people have power over you, but even when you're cool it seems people still have power over you, to change you even if you always realize it. Like when i was little i didn't really understand crushes and was just some tomboy, but once i hit 8th grade and starting hanging out with girls instead of running around with the guys, i starting liking this one guy, and just people he liked the goth style, and clothes from hottopic, i started to dress like a goth, which did not make me cool, or make him notice me. Even though i was doing fine, and had some friends, and was considered somewhat cool, someone else who seem way cooler managed to change me into something that wasn't very common or popular afterwards. I guess you're only cool when its a kind of style thats actually common, which contradicts the whole "being different from others" part of being cool, or maybe it just depends on the person.

This really shows how much of media really influences our opinion of what cool is like. Like all the models and beautiful celebrities show us how much beauty really accounts to being cool, and we look at all the attention they get for it, and strive to become the same, because we want that attention as well. Also it isn't just media that affects us, the people you know affect how you act too. Like your friends will show you how to act in school, like skipping classes or school, or not doing you're homework. When i was little i would do all my homework and never skip school, but once i got to middle school, i started skipping a lot, and not do most of my work, because i'd rather be out chilling with my friends than in school, and skipping is a cool thing to do. You're gone for one day and than when you go back the next, people will start talking to you, to see if why you weren't there, and having all that attention on you makes you feel good because it means people notice you, which makes you feel less alone since you're significant enough to be remembered, even when you're not there, which makes you seem less alone.

There are a few reasons as too why we have this emptiness inside of us, it could be because we're just one out of many people in this world, and since there are so many, we can't help but feel as if we're just one piece of hay in a haystack, nothing special, no different than all the others, which is why we try to make ourselves stand out, even though there are still many people doing the same. We think if we change ourselves into something much more cooler, we'll seem more significant and more important. Also the fact that we're all going to end up dead might have something to do with it, who wouldn't like to be remembered even after we're no longer alive. So to make ourselves important enough to be remembered, we style ourselves in a way people are sure to stare. Because we all know we're going to die and fear it to the point of forgetting about it, we put ourselves into a different role we played before so people will look at us and know our existence and remember us, since "nobody likes to be forgotten", i know i wouldn't.

In conclusion, the definition of coolness varies depending on the person, but one thing that everyone seems to agree with is that being cool means you fit in and that our influences come from our surroundings, TV, computers, celebrities, friends, and family. Also that our want for being noticed comes from our want of being different from all the rest of the people in the world, and to be remembered as a significant person before we die. I think if we thought more on death and didn't seem to mind/fear is so much, we'd probably wouldn't try as hard to fit in, sure we'll still be trying to fit in, but not as hard as we'd be doing if we didn't distance ourselves from the thought of death. So in a way coolness really is just a armor we put on ourselves to protect us from the loneliness of rejection and being uncool.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

HW#36 comments

To Chloe:
i like your whole how we use coolness to feel the emptiness we feel since we're all one out of a bunch of other people, and since we're all going to die anyways we want to make ourselves more significant. sorry if this version sucks D:.

Also maybe you can add the thing andy mentioned about how we fill empty since we're no longer attached to our mom, and how we use whatever cost to fill that emptiness, and maybe how you'll never really be able to fill that emptiness, just feel pleasure from the attention you're getting.

For you're maybe you can talk more about the roles we think, like name specific ones, and maybe add a story of how a person has so many things yet they still feel empty, i've read alot of stories like those, like where the king is living in a huge castle, surrounded by many maid, concubines and how hes still unhappy. you dont have to use this one, and of course you'll have to make your own with a non-happy ending since thats how most those types of stories end like.

To Conor:
Nice paper, but for the thesis maybe you could name out some of those wrong things you mentioned and how it connects to feeling empty, like we use coolness as a way to feel more significant, and fill the emptiness we feel that comes from [insert w/e you want talk about], yah sorry my example sucks.

We concentrate on things like the way we dress and the people who we're with so that way we know how to act cool, and fill significant, because we didnt we'd be labeled as an outcast, and being alone doesnt add any significance in our life, because then whose going to pay attention to us and shower us with compliments to make us forget about the emptiness inside of us.
yah sorry if sucks, you dont have to acknowledge it.

For your next paper you should mention where the emptiness comes from, (if you want to) and maybe go more deeper into the how we use things to make ourselves look cool, like give examples of them, like clothes style, piercings, hair, tattoos.
Also maybe mention more about the whole "real" and "fake" thing, like how we're not really our true self, since our actions/choices are the result of all the teachings we had and influences.
Also in Paragraph 1, liner # 3, theres a space in between dis and satisfaction, i dont know if its intentionally and dis is just slang, but i just thought maybe i should point it out.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cool paper rough draft

Whats does being cool mean to you?

Most people would say that being cool is about fitting in, and being liked by nearly everybody, yet be envied, to be beautiful, stylish, and have a great personality, which varies with each person. People waste money to get expensive cool things, to make people like them more, because humans fear being alone. So coolness is a type of armor people wear to protect themselves from being uncool and the loneliness that comes from it.

From most of the people i asked about what being cool is like, they all said fitting in as the major thing about being cool, and some other traits, like tattoos, dying the hair, and looking good and having a nice personality, and a one or two said that being yourself is cool. When asked where they got this idea from, they mentioned things like magazines, TV, celebrities, and friends, which contradicts the part of being yourself because how can you be yourself when everything you do was taught to you, and influenced you. Like for example you were taught to act politely to people with power from your parents and teachers, and you were influenced by your friends and the media to act another way to be more cool, and fit in more, like getting a tattoo or piercing even though some parents dont like either of those things. So we can never really say we're being our true self when our true self is the result of all the teachings and influences you've gotten in your life.

To me being cool is someone who, again, fits in, someone who has a cool style, and has a nice, yet kind of bad assy personality, and is open to things. For example this story i wrote portrays what i consider is a cool person:
She had her choppy layered dyed a deep red hair pin up with some strands in her face, she had this bored yet patient expression on her face as she play with her piercings while she listen to her friend talk on and on.
"I just dont know what to do anymore, one minute hes all over me, and maddd sweet and the next hes around a bunch of other girls and acting like he never said those sweet words to me"
she sighs and looks her friend in the eye and speaks with a calm almost voice
"look dude, i really think you should just get over him, hes obviously just looking for some ass, so why dont you do yourself a favor and not be interested in him anymore" she puts her hand on her friends shoulder and grips it gently "you deserve better, so dont sweat over it"
her friend smiles, and seems to feel better
"you know, you're right, thanks you're the best" the friend hugs her, and says with a grin "you know if i was bi, i would totally fall for you
She grins back, winks and blow kisses
"who wouldnt" she says jokingly

In my story the character is one of those kind of "punkish" people, with those calm, almost emotion or apathetic voice, and the dyed hair and the piercings, and her personality was a calm one, almost non-caring, yet really sweet/nice, and silly too at times. My point of coolness kind of contradicts as well, because to be non-caring, you have to not care about anything at all, and we all care about being cool and fitting in, even if there arent many moments of those feelings, we still yearn for some companionship, its in our nature. Also the emotionless part, i think i got that from all those movies and stories where the main character is so emotionless, that it just becomes a part of the cool package, and also i guess because to be cool is to be strong and or to have power, and back then the people with power/strength were always emotionless because they couldn't let others know how much effect something has over them, because then that'll become a weakness, and when you're weak people have power over you.

This really shows how much of media really influences our opinion of what cool is like. Like all the models and beautiful celebrities show us how much beauty really accounts to being cool, and we look at all the attention they get for it, and strive to become the same, because we want that attention as well. Also it isn't just media that affects us, the people you know affect how you act too. Like your friends will show you how to act in school, like skipping classes or school, or not doing you're homework. When i was little i would do all my homework and never skip school, but once i got to middle school, i started skipping a lot, and not do most of my work, because i'd rather be out chilling with my friends than in school, and skipping is a cool thing to do. You're gone for one day and than when you go back the next, people will start talking to you, to see if why you weren't there, and having all that attention on you makes you feel good because it means people notice you, which makes you feel less alone since you're significant enough to be remembered, even when you're not there.
There are a few reasons as too why we have this emptiness inside of us, it could be because we're just one out of many people in this world, and since there are so many, we can't help but feel as if we're just one piece of hay in a haystack, nothing special, no different than all the others, which is why we try to make ourselves stand out, even though

Monday, January 11, 2010


When it comes to being cool, i dont think gender really places a big role, because its affects everyone, everyone is trying to be cooler regardless of what gender they are. Like both girls and boys have it hard, if a girl is muscular than shes made fun of, and also if shes really weak and cant stand up for herself, they shes made fun of has well, and with guys its, if the dude is way too buff, hes disgusting, if hes too weak, hes a pussy, so i dont think gender as much to do with it, back than when women were considered lower than men maybe, but now a days theres a bunch of strong independent women that are considered cool, musicians, women that join the army, that compete for higher power, so now women are like kinda equal to men.

Coolness might have something to do with race, like sometimes there are times when a certain race seems much more cooler than other regardless how people have different personalities, like for example, my friend got really into visual kei which is like "punk"/"goth" in a way in japan, and into the chinese side of her and i remember how obsessed/into asian people she became, like each time a asian guy would walk by she would check him out, and with other guys of different race she didnt really look at them. So i do think race does play a role, like with racism, if you're racist towards a person, then that person isnt cool to you, though i dont think its as strong with younger generation. Also class because its like race just with 4 stages rich, middle class, lower, homeless, and obviously homeless would be the lamest since they cant afford the things that are needed to be cool, and money is also one of the things that label a person as cool, though sometimes, money isnt the issue which is kind of rarely, but if you rock a certain style even if they're cheap clothes, if you wear them cooly then you can still be cool.

I dont really think its right to blame the person the way they when trying to be cool, because the person was taught to act that way, like they might've been brought up to be polite and do well in school by their parents, but with their friends they might be taught something different, like to rebel against their parents and do what "they" want, when they're really just following their friends. The media also plays into role, like instead of finishing college and getting a degree, they want to be a model instead because of how media makes beauty seem so important these days, so they wasted their parents money, only to do something that they think is good because of the influence media had on them. Though sometimes im not sure if you really can't just not blame a person, like in the op-ed piece by Orlando Patterson, they boys flunk, even though they know the consequences, which to me seems kind of stupid, and i would say to blame them, because if they know the consequences than why dont they try to change it, because by flunking school, you get a bad job, or you'll have to start selling drug, or sell yourself, and that only leads up to jail time, death over dispute, and out on the streets because you arent getting enough money to pay the rent, and yes sometimes people who went to college get bad jobs too, i think they still have a higher chance of getting a better job then someone who doesnt have a degree or a diploma. Though i would say to put the blame on the person who choices, i would still put the blame on the people that influenced him aswell, because he just didnt wake up one day with it in his mind to screw up, he was taught it, so i would probably say sometimes the blame is shared with both the person that choices that fate and the people that influenced that person.

HW#33 paper outline

Thesis: people strive to become cool to fill up the emptyness they feel inside

paragraph1: other peoples defition of cool, and why, and where was it inspired from

paragraph2: my defittion of coolness, example my story (or another story since that one sucks), and my experiences with piercings, and my want for a tattoo, where i got my inspiration

paragraph3: how media influences us

Paragraph4: where this want to be cool, to be wanted came from (maybe put this together with paragraph3 depending on how long pargraph3 is)

Paragraph5: contradictions with being cool, and whats having to behaving properly and the cost of it

conlusion: a summary of it all, and mention a few new things, like more about tattoos (include the talk Mr. Fanning did), how we're manipulating eachother, mention Goffman's idea of preformer, and character and the difference.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

HW#32 tattoos

Now a days tattoos are really popular, it's either you have one or you're planning to have one. Its really amazing how popular they've become, back then, tattoos were for initiating, and the "bad" crowd, kind of like how back then if you pierced your left ear you're in a gang, and if pierced your right ear you're gay. Tattoos are more of a appearance base kind of thing, people get them so that people will look at they differently, whether it be bad or good, its still attention. Like with Mr.Fanning he got his tattoo for getting in a band, you know to add to the punk rock appearance and too look cool. Especially now that nearly everybody is getting a tattoo.

Like i personally want tattoos and i admit i want them so i can catch the attention of other people, even though people can argue that stabbing a foreign substance into your body isn't very healthy. Though most people will say they got because they liked it which is true, and because it symbolizes something, its still for attention, like back then they would mark up their bodies as a sign of becoming a man, and those tattoos are so that people will look at them and know right away that their adults, that they're mature.

Also when Mr.Fanning mention how his tattoos were an armour for him, because most of the time people associate them with masks, like oh he got a tattoo right after me and in the same spot, what a fake, hes just trying to be cool. But to him it was an armour, which is strange consider, people can get really sick from getting tattoos, but when i start thinking about how its an armour, i think about how armours protect people from getting hurt from whats around them, so does that mean that tattoos are a protection against reality? i mean like ipod people block out the world and just insolate themselves, but i guess with tattoos its more in the way of fitting in, because if you get a tattoo you're cool and you're protected from being a complete loser and unwanted.

Monday, January 4, 2010

HW 31

Part A-

Anny breton:
Question: why did you get a tattoo?
Answer: Because I wanted to, i like it, its cute no?, i feel that it describes me as a person

thoughts: I think she did get a tattoo that she liked, but i think she got the tattoo more because of how popular tattoos are. I think because there's so many people saying how tattoos are soo cool, that she was influenced to get it, so it was more to fit in than just doing it because she truly wanted to.

Part B-
my own aspects: skinny jeans, piercings, Jack bag

I remember back when we wore those hip-hugging-flared out at the bottom- jeans, and how they were so popular, and i remember how much i loved wearing them, but once skinny jean became popular in school, that changed. At first i had rebelled against it, but then i looked at the jeans and saw how people made them look so nice, and hot, that i started wearing them. Now whenever i go shopping i wont buy any other jeans than skinny jeans, because i hate how the baggy jeans look on me now. I think even though you try to fight against it, you can never truly win, you can rebel for a while but it will eventually get to you.
Also besides the piercings i had since i was a baby, i got another one, a cartilage piercing, and i remember being sooo happy to get it, even though my dad didnt like it, and i know my influence came from celebrities , and stories i've read, because they always have the coolest piercings, and a bunch of them too. I know when i got my piercing i always said "i got it because i wanted to" but now that i look back, i really just got it because of how cool it made people look, and in middle school i did want to be cooler since i was really that popular, so why not get a piercing something that not a lot people in my school were getting. Though it didnt make me popular, so i think these things dont really work for anybody, i think you have to have a lot of other factors mixed into the formula. Now that i think back to it. i feel slightly put out about how easily swayed i am, how much power other people have other me. I think now im a tiny bit better than how i was back then, even now i feel unconsciously strive for attention, like getting a skeleton doll bag, now that i think about it, i thought i got it because i just liked it, but i also got it for the attention people me when they stop me to talk about my bag, or ask me where i got it and how cute it is.