Thursday, January 21, 2010

HW#36 comments

To Chloe:
i like your whole how we use coolness to feel the emptiness we feel since we're all one out of a bunch of other people, and since we're all going to die anyways we want to make ourselves more significant. sorry if this version sucks D:.

Also maybe you can add the thing andy mentioned about how we fill empty since we're no longer attached to our mom, and how we use whatever cost to fill that emptiness, and maybe how you'll never really be able to fill that emptiness, just feel pleasure from the attention you're getting.

For you're maybe you can talk more about the roles we think, like name specific ones, and maybe add a story of how a person has so many things yet they still feel empty, i've read alot of stories like those, like where the king is living in a huge castle, surrounded by many maid, concubines and how hes still unhappy. you dont have to use this one, and of course you'll have to make your own with a non-happy ending since thats how most those types of stories end like.

To Conor:
Nice paper, but for the thesis maybe you could name out some of those wrong things you mentioned and how it connects to feeling empty, like we use coolness as a way to feel more significant, and fill the emptiness we feel that comes from [insert w/e you want talk about], yah sorry my example sucks.

We concentrate on things like the way we dress and the people who we're with so that way we know how to act cool, and fill significant, because we didnt we'd be labeled as an outcast, and being alone doesnt add any significance in our life, because then whose going to pay attention to us and shower us with compliments to make us forget about the emptiness inside of us.
yah sorry if sucks, you dont have to acknowledge it.

For your next paper you should mention where the emptiness comes from, (if you want to) and maybe go more deeper into the how we use things to make ourselves look cool, like give examples of them, like clothes style, piercings, hair, tattoos.
Also maybe mention more about the whole "real" and "fake" thing, like how we're not really our true self, since our actions/choices are the result of all the teachings we had and influences.
Also in Paragraph 1, liner # 3, theres a space in between dis and satisfaction, i dont know if its intentionally and dis is just slang, but i just thought maybe i should point it out.

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