Monday, January 11, 2010


When it comes to being cool, i dont think gender really places a big role, because its affects everyone, everyone is trying to be cooler regardless of what gender they are. Like both girls and boys have it hard, if a girl is muscular than shes made fun of, and also if shes really weak and cant stand up for herself, they shes made fun of has well, and with guys its, if the dude is way too buff, hes disgusting, if hes too weak, hes a pussy, so i dont think gender as much to do with it, back than when women were considered lower than men maybe, but now a days theres a bunch of strong independent women that are considered cool, musicians, women that join the army, that compete for higher power, so now women are like kinda equal to men.

Coolness might have something to do with race, like sometimes there are times when a certain race seems much more cooler than other regardless how people have different personalities, like for example, my friend got really into visual kei which is like "punk"/"goth" in a way in japan, and into the chinese side of her and i remember how obsessed/into asian people she became, like each time a asian guy would walk by she would check him out, and with other guys of different race she didnt really look at them. So i do think race does play a role, like with racism, if you're racist towards a person, then that person isnt cool to you, though i dont think its as strong with younger generation. Also class because its like race just with 4 stages rich, middle class, lower, homeless, and obviously homeless would be the lamest since they cant afford the things that are needed to be cool, and money is also one of the things that label a person as cool, though sometimes, money isnt the issue which is kind of rarely, but if you rock a certain style even if they're cheap clothes, if you wear them cooly then you can still be cool.

I dont really think its right to blame the person the way they when trying to be cool, because the person was taught to act that way, like they might've been brought up to be polite and do well in school by their parents, but with their friends they might be taught something different, like to rebel against their parents and do what "they" want, when they're really just following their friends. The media also plays into role, like instead of finishing college and getting a degree, they want to be a model instead because of how media makes beauty seem so important these days, so they wasted their parents money, only to do something that they think is good because of the influence media had on them. Though sometimes im not sure if you really can't just not blame a person, like in the op-ed piece by Orlando Patterson, they boys flunk, even though they know the consequences, which to me seems kind of stupid, and i would say to blame them, because if they know the consequences than why dont they try to change it, because by flunking school, you get a bad job, or you'll have to start selling drug, or sell yourself, and that only leads up to jail time, death over dispute, and out on the streets because you arent getting enough money to pay the rent, and yes sometimes people who went to college get bad jobs too, i think they still have a higher chance of getting a better job then someone who doesnt have a degree or a diploma. Though i would say to put the blame on the person who choices, i would still put the blame on the people that influenced him aswell, because he just didnt wake up one day with it in his mind to screw up, he was taught it, so i would probably say sometimes the blame is shared with both the person that choices that fate and the people that influenced that person.

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